Church History


Pennsylvania in the fall of 1945.  He answered the call by coming in January of 1946. Immediately, he began to preach in a dwelling house on the Tedder Farm in the Indian Branch Community of Darlington, South Carolina.  Much success was derived from the regular meetings at this location.  He preached fervently here for several months; many people repented of their sins were baptized, “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The owner of the dwelling house made an unexpected request for the church to vacate the premises.  The services were then held in another dwelling house in the community for about sixty days.   

      Bishop purchased a large tent in which services were held.  Many people crowded the tent each night and the services were very inspiring.  One day a severe storm came through the community and tore the tent to threads.  This unfortunate incident neither hindered the services nor dampened the spirit of the saints.  They began to work together to mend the tent and the following night it was ready for use, once again.  Services were held in this tent until land was purchased for a church. With an abundance of prayer, sacrifice, and hard work, the building of a new church began construction in 1947.


      Bishop asked the saints to go on a 40-day fast along with him.  He seemed to gain new courage, as a result, of this fast.  The church was completed and paid for in 1948. The movement grew fast, and soon a larger sanctuary was needed, which could accommodate the entire assembly.  Work began on this building in 1961. Everyone worked faithfully until a new sanctuary was completed and dedicated in November of 1963.Worship services continued in the edifice for many years.  However, an unfortunate disaster took place in 1970 and the church was destroyed by fire.


     As Bishop witness the church going up in flames he was inspired to build it back, but “bigger and better,” than before.   There was much opposition to build the church back. The insurance company would not pay the policy and the church bank would not provide the necessary financing until the church construction was completed.  Yet, these proved to be only temporary obstacles. They did not hinder Bishop’s faith nor his determination to reconstruct the church “bigger and better.” The saints worked intensively together with a great degree of prayer, fasting, sacrifice, and hard work to build a new church. The church was completed and dedicated in 1962.  Today, a modern and spacious sanctuary stands at 2449 Calvary Road, Hartsville, South Carolina.

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     We truly offer many thanks to God for his wonderful blessing down through the years up until now.  Moreover, we praise God for enabling us to accomplish this tremendous task through the leadership of Bishop L. Hunter, to whom God gave the vision.


The Church In The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostles' Doctrine, Inc. All rights reserved.