Phone: (843) 332-5661

Bishop Joe C. Tisdale was born and raised on a farm in the town of Kingstree, South Carolina.  During the years of his adolescence he lived with his grandparents.  This marked the new beginning of his life both naturally and spiritually.  At the age of nine his grandfather taught him the skills and responsibilities of a man.  This taught him the value of hard work.  The key lesson that Bishop Tisdale learned from his grandparents was the importance of God.  Seeing his grandparents constantly praying and crying out to the Lord left a lasting impression on him at an early age.  This gave him knowledge that God is real and true, and that we should look to him for all our needs.
Even from his youth God permitted him to go only but so far in being entangled with the things of the world.  Bishop Tisdale could not find himself in the midst of youthful lusts as his peers enjoyed.  He would often read the Bible and meditate upon the scriptures while his peers engaged in the works of the flesh.  He recalls a time when he was fifteen years old; he read about the crucifixion of Christ.  These scriptures brought tears and sorrow to his soul as he learned of the ways Christ was treated.  As he read this he felt the anointing of the Lord upon him.  This stayed with him and led him to seek the truth from his youth. 
Bishop Tisdale went to Miami Florida after high school in 1964.  After being in Florida for years he began seeking a church to worship God in spirit and in truth.  Although he did not know the whole truth, he knew if he sought God with a pure heart that God would lead him to the path of righteousness.  He believed that God�s sheep would definitely hear his voice.  In his search for the truth he became entangled with all sorts of religious movements.  He would go to different churches seeking to hear the truth preached as it was in days of the apostles.  There were a few times when he thought that he had found the truth, but after a while an error would be manifested to make him know that the movement was not of God.  The errors would range from deacons being carried away with strong drink, and woman preachers, to churches filled with adultery and fornication.  He decided to move back to South Carolina in 1971 yet with a mind to seek truth.  He knew in his heart that there had to be someone somewhere preaching and living the truth as it is written in the bible.  He moved back to South Carolina with the same mind to seek truth and encountered the same results in there as he did in Florida.  This frustrated Bishop Tisdale.  He decided to stay home and seek truth by radio. While surfing the radio one evening he caught a partial broadcast of Bishop L Hunter.  He heard Bishop preached in spirit and truth about the baptism, the Holy Ghost, and women preachers.  This kind of preaching is what his soul was yearning.  A short while after hearing that broadcast a friend who was frustrated with churches as well invited him to come and hear a preacher in Hartsville SC.  Bishop Tisdale would be surprised to learn that this was the same preacher that he had heard over the radio.  God truly was working in his life and leading him to the truth.  The True word of God was being preached as it was written in the Bible.  Bishop Tisdale kept on coming to hear the word of God being preached and it pricked his heart.  On a Sunday morning in March of 1978 he surrendered to God and was baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins.  Shortly afterwards, he received the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues as the spirit of God gave him utterance. The Lord began dealing with Bishop Tisdale calling him to the ministry.  On a Sunday afternoon, the Lord moved on Bishop Hunter during the dedication of our church in Kershaw, South Carolina to allow him to preach his first sermon.  The Lord moved on him to manifest the gift that was in him.  Bishop Tisdale kept on using the gift of ministry.  He would preach wherever Bishop would send him.  Bishop Tisdale started preaching at our church in Rocky Mount, NC.  This was good for the young minister.  The Lord have used him in prisons to preach the gospel of Christ and many have surrendered to God and were baptized in water In the name of Jesus Christ.


After the death of Bishop L. Hunter in July 1991, Bishop Tisdale became Pastor and General Overseer of the church. Bishop Hunter charged him to �Stand in the whole counsel of God�.  Much opposition has arisen after the death of Bishop Hunter.  �If it had not been the Lord that was on our side the enemy would have swallowed us up�.  Bishop Tisdale humbled himself and allowed God to fight his battle and the Lord has given him the victory.  He continues to preach and encourage the saints in the faith.  The Lord has truly been with him and has blessed his ministry.
